For more information on J/Carnac, please visit










INT, Inc.
2901 Wilcrest, Suite 100
Houston, TX  77042
Phone:  713-975-7434
Fax:  713-975-1120

J/Carnac Features

J/Carnac builds upon Java 2D to provide a high-level set of functionality and features that goes well beyond the core graphics primitives offered by Java 2D. Some of the key features of J/Carnac include:

Smart Graphics Objects - J/Carnac shape objects can be used to model your data. Shapes offer full support for selection, picking, editing and bounding box calculation. Shapes can be created dynamically at display time or stored statically in a shape container or layer.

Graphics Attributes Management- Attribute objects are used to describe the graphical properties of shapes. Attributes can be shared among shapes. Update of attributes is optimized to minimize unnecessary redrawing.

Layered View Control - J/Carnac provides a layer-based view management system. Each layer can be completely independent and has its own data model as well as its own coordinate system. Layers can be added or removed dynamically.

Axes, Grids and Layout Management - The J/Carnac plot subsystem integrates with Swing to simplify the creation of scrolled plots, complete with axes, labels and grid lines. Supported axis types include linear and logarithmic. Multiple plots can be stacked with synchronized scrolling in one or both directions.

Damage Repair Control - J/Carnac features a sophisticated mechanism to control which area of the screen needs to be repainted. This mechanism is one of the key reasons why J/Carnac offers unparalleled performance in scrolling, editing, and real-time updates.

Extensible Architecture - J/Carnac objects, including shapes and scenes, can be extended easily to match each application's requirements. Developers can also create new shape types using the Java 2D graphics primitives.

Spatial Indexing - For dealing efficiently with large quantities of graphical data found in applications such as GIS, J/Carnac provides a layer type that organizes shapes spatially in a quad-tree. This type of layer provides for very efficient graphical redisplay during scrolling and screen updates. A utility function is also available for decomposing large polygons for more efficient quad-tree indexing.

J/Carnac Components

To complement the core graphics capabilities of J/Carnac, INT provides a number of specialized packages for off-the-shelf functionality. As shown in the diagram below, the J/Carnac toolkit also includes the J/Plot package. This package provides for easy creation and management of plots, including scrollbars, axes and grids. INT also offers a number of additional industry specific packages such as J/GeoToolkitĂ– which includes J/Seismic and J/WellLog and caters to the need of the oil & gas industry and J/ContourĂ– which can be used to display contoured surfaces.


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